Aus den Augen

This project, because of its brilliance and complexity, outshines all previous models. Nine individual theater pieces, full of dramatic and humorous content, underscored by music representing a variety styles, take place simultaneously. Each piece has is own story to tell, and from time to time they meet each other in the midst of their stories and intertwine shortly. In the end, they are all puzzle pieces, taking up their proper position in the big picture. Link "Aus den Augen"

A co-production of the Hauptschule Laabental and the Musikschule Laabental. The musicians performing in this production are students at the Musikschule Laabental.

Year of production: 2008
Artist: Aschenbrenner/Koller


Aus den Augen - Einleitung
Was weißt du schon
Der Stein
Uh, uh, uh
Glückskind / Uh, uh, uh
Kleine Mädchen
Ich such' und such'
Jeder Tag
Was geht ab
Fragt nicht, warum 1
Fragt nicht, warum 2
He, Alter
Fragt nicht, warum 3
Von einer Tat zur nächsten
Kein Ziel + Fragt nicht, warum 4
Der Einbruch
Was ist los
Zu viel
Wir sind auf der Flucht
Aus den Augen - Reprise